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5. Protecting red-listed birds


The Red List ( is a global list of species of all kinds that identifies those of conservation concern, that is with numbers declining and in some cases where there is a high risk of global extinction. In the UK we have 70 species of bird that are red- listed. In Addingham in 2023 our volunteers sighted 16 of these ( ). We need to protect all bird species but we have a special responsibility for the red-listed ones which include curlew, lapwing, swift, house martin, tree sparrow, house sparrow, starling and greenfinch, as these still occur in the village in reasonable numbers.


  • GreenfinchAdhere to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 which, for example, makes it an offence to “intentionally take, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built”
  • Protect nest sites, such as the high-level ledges and eaves on village buildings in the centre of the village used by swifts
  • Keep dogs on leads on the moor where curlew and lapwing may be nesting
  • Keep bird feeders in gardens clean to avoid disease transmission. It is thought that the decline in greenfinch populations in the UK is due to trichomonosisfrom contaminated bird feeders and bird baths. For advice see
  • Install swift boxes. See Not all swift boxes will become occupied by swifts but may nevertheless attract other wildlife such as tree sparrows or bumblebees
  • Send sightings of all birds, especially red-listed ones, to AEG (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
  • Take part in the RSPB’s annual Great Garden Bird Watch ( and send a copy of your results to AEG (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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