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CAA is advised by our Civic Society Environment Group

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1. Repairing and re-using material goods


All new goods require raw materials and energy. Repairing (where necessary) and re-using goods reduces our carbon footprint and our demand on natural resources.


  • Reuse DiagramExtend the lifetime of all your belongings by repairing them.
  • Use local repair shops to fix things. The Repair Shop in Silsden is open on the third Saturday of every month, 10 am to 12 noon in the Methodist Church. Join the “Plastic Free Silsden” Facebook page.
  • Learn how to repair things yourself using for example YouTube videos or attending local workshops. We are hoping to arrange local workshops for repairing clothes.
  • When you’ve finished with an item, and it’s still in good condition think whether someone else could make use of it
  • Use auctions rooms, e-bay, car boot sales to sell things.
  • Save items to sell and raise money for charity at our next village Jumble Trail (May 2025) or Civic Society fairs (spring and autumn each year).
  • Donate furniture and other household items to a charity such as the Keighley Furniture Project
  • Donate toys, books and clothes to local charity shops. There are many in Ilkley.
  • If items cannot be repaired and re-used take them to a household recycling centre.


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