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3. Reducing food waste, including cooked food waste


Food production requires water, energy and land. It reduces space for nature and generates a range of greenhouse gases. Unlike some waste products food waste cannot be re-used or recycled. If discarded in landfill sites food waste decomposes and creates methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. Waste needs to be minimised.


  • Bokashi BinBuy only as much food as you need
  • Where possible by “loose” food rather than pre-packed
  • Check to make sure bought food is used by the “use-by” date
  • Learn, if necessary, how to use left over food to make new meals, soups are especially easy
  • Freeze left-overs for later use rather than throw them away
  • Put uncooked food waste in your garden compost bin
  • Never put food waste in your household recycling bin to avoid contamination
  • Use a wormery or Bokashi bin to compost cooked food wastemail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to know more about wormeries or Bokashi bins and see one in action in the village
  • Check out the Love Food Hate Waste webpage

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